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Project Nevada Night Vision


Hey guys, random problem popped up (and yeah it is a problem) my night vision has decided to stop working. It was fine before but now for some reason it just won't turn on. I get the sound when turning it on but no light at all...pip boy light works fine.

project nevada night vision

I've tried going back a ton of saves to see if it broke in game or something but it's not working in them either, and it's the same for all the night visions..Advanced Recon, NVCE built in one and the toggle version for Elite Riot Gear.

The night-vision goggles use technology that works on a subatomic level, converting photons into electrons and then multiplying them. Tiny flashes from the electrons brighten the image the user sees through the goggles.

Are you WONDERing whether night vision goggles really work? Yes, they do! In fact, they work very well. On a cloudy, moonless night, the best night vision goggles can help people see over 200 yards away.

We're glad you're enjoying the Wonders, Cecilia! Our night-vision goggles Wonder was originally published on August 31, 2012. All our Wonders are written and published by the National Center for Families Learning.

Hi there, Brighid! Thanks for sharing your comments today about our night vision goggle adventure!! It's so interesting to learn how night vision goggles are used-- we never imagined that fighting fires could be helped by this technology!! Thanks for sharing your AWESOME idea for another Wonder-- we might be in store for a ghoul of a Wonder!! :)

Great comment about today's Wonder, Tori! We think that there are such a variety of professions in the world that it's WONDERful to learn about new and exciting inventions and technology used in these jobs. You also made a great connection about the use of thermal imaging in night vision technology, too! Thanks for guessing tomorrow's artsy Wonder!! :)

Hey there Siddman MC! Thanks for sharing your comment about today's Wonder with us-- we really appreciate it! You're not alone-- it's very difficult to see in the dark without assistance! We WONDER if you can do some more research on your own about different types of night vision gear-- it's really a fascinating idea! Have a WONDERful day! :)

We are so happy to hear you have been WONDERing about these awesome night vision goggles, Carlos!! The technology is very advanced, and when you wear the goggles, it provides more light even though it's completely dark outside!! What a cool invention!! Thanks for sharing your AWESOME comments today! :)

Keep up the SUPER guessing, Tiauna! It doesn't matter if you correctly guess the next day's Wonder, as long as you have fun and learn something new!! We WONDER if there was anything exciting or interesting you learned from today's Wonder about night vision goggles?! :)Thanks for sharing your comments and guess with all of us here at Wonderopolis, Tiauna! :)

You made a great observation about today's Wonder, Madeline1120MC! In order to best describe how night vision goggles are used, we incorporated the video about how firefighters use the goggles. We are happy to hear you enjoyed learning about their purpose and how they help those brave firefighters do their jobs! Thanks for visiting and sharing your comments today! :)

You are making us smile ear to ear here at Wonderopolis, Pickle Boy MC! We LOVE that you enjoyed today's Wonder-- there is so much to uncover in the dark using night vision goggles! We hope you continue to Wonder on your own this weekend-- we will see you soon! :)

WOHOO! We are so excited to hear you enjoyed exploring the dark with our night vision goggle Wonder, Zoey and Aniela! We can't wait to Wonder with you as we have fun with art tomorrow! Thanks for visiting today-- you two ROCK! :)

We WONDER what you would discover in your own backyard with night vision goggles! We think the students in Mrs. Valdez's 5th Grade class would find some amazing animals in their natural habitats!! Thanks for WONDERing with us and sharing your guess for tomorrow-- we can't wait to find out what kind of artistic things we will be learning about!! :)

Another WONDERful question from those bright students in Mrs. Foster's class! :) Thanks for commenting today about our night vision goggle Wonder! We bet you can find some great information online or at the library on how these AWESOME goggles are crafted. We would love to hear what you are able to find! Have a great day, Wonder Friends! :)

Isn't it amazing how the night vision goggles assisted the firefighters? It makes us Wonder about other useful technology that helps professionals succeed in their lines of work!Currently, night vision goggles allow users to see better in the dark, but depth perception and scope of vision aren't great with the goggles. However, we Wonder if the awesome students in Mrs. Brown's AWESOME Period 3, 5 and 6 classes can do some research on their own-- we bet there are technological enhancements in the works!! Thanks for sharing your AWESOME comments with us, Wonder Friends! :)

WOW, what a great list of ideas for using night vision goggles! The students in Ms. Bayko's class are really succeeding in using their imaginations! We are SUPER excited to learn about all the different uses for night vision goggles with our AWESOME Wonder Friends today!Thanks for posting your awesome guesses for tomorrow's Wonder-- we can't wait to get crafty with you! :)

Hi there, Christine! We are so glad that you're WONDERing about night vision goggles with us today! We think there are many uses for this nifty device and one of the best ways to learn about them was through the eyes of a firefighter in training! Thanks for your comment-- we are so appreciative that you've shared it with all our Wonder Friends today! :)

Fast and erratic, N51 Deltas are highly mobile hit and run fighters wearing panoramic night vision goggles and a breathing tube connected to a tank on their backs. They rush in for quick unarmed attacks, but their most dangerous quality is that they can rapidly leap at targets to grapple them, which results in an execution if the target does not break free. Unlike the other combatants, Deltas will disregard staging areas and rush ahead of everyone else, engaging targets at will.

The Colorado Department of Transportation used self-propelled modular transporters to move a new bridge into place overnight on I-70 at Pecos Street in Denver. In addition to accelerated bridge construction techniques, the agency used the construction manager/general contractor delivery method on the Highways for LIFE-funded bridge replacement project. The new bridge, built directly on the ground, was jacked up, moved by SPMTs and slid into place on new abutments built below the existing bridge. The $18.9 million project will improve connectivity in surrounding neighborhoods for pedestrians, motorists and freight carriers. 2ff7e9595c

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